Department Configuration

                                                                                                             HOME ACCESS      

If you are a parent or guardian and have a problem with access to the PowerSchool/eSchoolPlus Home Access Center, please email Aixa Moynihan at


If you are a student in grade 9 - 12 and have a problem with access to the PowerSchool/eSchoolPlus Home Access Center, please contact the Guidance Office.

                                                                              NEW PROCEDURES FOR SCHEDULING CHANGES

As a counseling department, our top priority is to schedule every student for their core academic program.  In some instances, an elective course may have been dropped due to a scheduling conflict with a core course.  Schedule changes will only be considered and accommodated based on necessity. No Teacher changes are allowed. To request a schedule change, a parent must email the counselor directly.  Please understand.

                                         GRADE 9

                        A - D           DONNA HIRSCH

                        E - H           JILL MERKERT

                        I  - N           JUSTIN HICKEY

                        O - Z           LINDSAY JUDGE


                                        GRADE 10

                        A – F           DONNA HIRSCH

                        G - K           JILL MERKERT

                        L - O           JUSTIN HICKEY

                        P -  Z           LINDSAY JUDGE


                                        GRADE 11

                        A – D              DONNA HIRSCH

                        H - K              JILL MERKERT

                        L - P               JUSTIN HICKEY

                        Q  - Z              LINDSAY JUDGE 


                                          GRADE 12

                        A – D               DONNA HIRSCH

                        E – G               JILL MERKERT

                        H - O               JUSTIN HICKEY

                        P - Z                LINDSAY JUDGE





Guidance Schoology Courses

Please join our Schoology Classrooms.  See your counselor for the code.


8:30   -   School Begins - First Bell

8:32   -   9:28   (Time Slot 1)

9:28   -   9:31   Announcements

9:35   - 10:30   (Time Slot 2)

10:34 - 11:29   (Time Slot 3)

11:31 - 12:11   LUNCH

12:13 -   1:08   (Time Slot 5)

1:12   -   2:07   (Time Slot 6)

2:11   -   3:06   (Time Slot 7)

Welcome Message

Welcome to the Guidance and Counseling Department! 
The mission of the Nanuet School Counseling Program is to provide programs and services that assist students to grow academically, personally, socially, and vocationally. We also provide comprehensive and developmental approaches to give all our students assistance and support so they may reach their individual goals and potential.
Guidance services in Nanuet Senior High School are the resources provided to facilitate academic success, to help students better understand personal strengths, limitations, and interests, and to assist in planning for and attaining realistic goals.
School counselors help students assume responsibility for making plans and decisions; they interpret information for both students and their parents to help them deal with needs and problems that may arise. Counselors also show how interests, aptitudes, and abilities work together. They provide information and guidance about careers and opportunities for post-high school education--colleges, technical schools, work and apprentice programs, as well as financial aid information. Your counselor's major task is to see that you graduate after having experienced a rich and rewarding high school career.
The school counselors will meet with every student at various times during high school. These meetings include scheduling discussions, college planning, test results, grades, personal matters, or any other issues that may arise during the student’s four years at Nanuet Senior High School. In addition to counselor-scheduled appointments, students are encouraged to stop in the guidance office at any time; students’ concerns will be addressed as soon as possible.

HS Guidance e-Newsletter

 The Nanuet Senior High School Guidance E-News presents information for students and parents/guardians on pertinent guidance and counseling topics. Monthly e-news will supply details about school and community informational programs, post-secondary academic and career opportunities, financial aid, scholarships, standardized testing and community resources.

HS Guidance - September 2024.pdf 



Program of Studies

The New York State Education Department has provided the attached document to provide information on the graduation pathways. 


Presentation to Junior Class guardians for College and Career Readiness
Attached is the presentation done by Stacy Salinas Vice President Student Financial Services M & S Media School/Beonair Network
CTEC presentation
Attached is the presentation utilized in advising course selection for students. This interactive presentation was presented in all classes and students utilized laptops to navigate through the “Program of Studies” and related links. 
Attached is the presentation utilized in advising course selection for students. This interactive presentation was presented in all classes and students utilized laptops to navigate through the Program of Studies and related links. 
Attached is the presentation utilized in advising course selection for students. This interactive presentation was presented in all classes and students utilized laptops to navigate through the “Program of Studies” and related links. 


Adult Career and Continuing Education Services- Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) services are for individuals with disabilities that interfere with getting or keeping a job or who have difficulty advancing at their job. VR services may only be provided if your goal is employment.
Students should utilize this link to register for the ACT.
Career Zone is an innovative online career exploration and planning system designed especially for today's high-tech youth in New York State.
This form is for students wishing to take a course they were not recommended for by their current teacher or requisite.
Here is a list of the acceptances for the class of 2024
Congratulations Class of 2024! 
Students should utilize this link to register for the SATs.
This is the process to request transcripts for students enrolled in college courses affiliated with Dominican University. 


Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA can be completed on or after October 1 of your senior year.  We encourage all students to complete the application as it is often the primary tool for the financial aid process at the college/university or other post-secondary institution.  

If you are a parent/guardian and are having  trouble accessing HOME ACCESS, please email Aixa Moynihan at
If you are a student grades 9 - 12 and are having trouble accessing  PowerSchool/eSchoolPlus Home Access Center, please contact the Guidance Office.
Attached please find ACT, PSAT and SAT test dates for the academic year.
Mapping Your Future is a national collaborative, public-service, nonprofit organization providing career, college, financial aid, and financial literacy services for students, families, and schools.
2023-24 Nanuet Senior High School Profile
This site was updated November 1, 2016.  It is for student-athletes wishing to compete in Division 1 or Division 2 NCAA sports programs. 
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE - January 27 2025.pdf   A list of available scholarships posted by the Guidance Office.
SENIOR PACKET.pdf  The packet is for current seniors and includes senior biography, senior resume and parent "brag sheet"
The process for applying to the ACT for students with accommodations.  
This form should be utilized by graduates and former students to request transcripts. Please complete and email to or mail this form to: NANUET SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Office of School Records, 103 Church Street, Nanuet, NY, 10954
WORKING PAPER APPLICATION AND INSTRUCTIONS. pdf  Instructions and application to get your working papers.